0. Register New Customer, 1. Invitation Email, 2. Shop Visit Log, 3. Solicitation Email
[Invitation Email: "2. Shop Visit Log" screen]
<Process Data>
- Title <Name>
- String: Name
- Date: Date of birth
- String: Tel
- String: Tel (sub)
- Select: Gender (male / female / unknown)
- String: Email
- String (Text Box multiple lines): Address
- Select: Loyal customer rank (S / A / B / C / D)
- User: Sales
- Date: Most recent visit
- Date: Next solicitation date
- String (Text Box multiple lines): First thank you email [task 0 and message start event]
- String (Text Box multiple lines): This time's invitation email [task 1&3]
- String (Text Box multiple lines): This time's thank you email [task 2]
- Select: Control (Thank you note & invitation task for next time / Only invitation task for next time / Delete from loyal user list): [task 2]
- Discussion: Internal correspondence
In today's workflow sample, we aren't concerned with analyzing RFM or LTV. This is a workflow for making sure you send those thank you notes and invitations without fail. Loyal customers rank companies from S to D intuitively. This is legitimate CRM. You can record basic customer information such as name, address, gender, DOB, tel, email, as well as additional information such as most recent visit and next invitation date.
RFM: Recency, Frequency, Monetary
LTV: Life Time Value
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