Through the daily report, new hires can learn business etiquette and how to work, and also help them communicate with their boss, seniors or other employees. Above all, the opportunity to look back on the day and organize what you learned or noticed is particularly important to be in the new environment.
[Daily Report]
It is a very simple report flow that automatically starts at 8:30 every morning. Not only new hires but also all employees, a "daily report" task comes on the list of "My Tasks".
It would be alright to input collectively just before leaving, but my recommendation is to input what you did each time as a memo and save it temporally. New recruits will be able to obtain appropriate feedback from their boss and seniors if they describe unclear points, questions, and consultation matters. (Of course, it is better to ask directly when they do not know ...)
It is desirable that you leave the company after completing the report every day, but sometimes you may not be able to or may forget it. In this "daily report flow", a deadline is set so that to be automatically terminated as "unreported" when the time comes. It is different from its original purpose if reporting by recalling events of more than a week ago. In order to avoid becoming "unreported", try to handle it properly while it is in [My Tasks].
<Timer setting screen>
<Data Items list>
[Free download]
Business Template: Daily Report
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[Japanese Entry (εζθ¨δΊ)]