However, with the Workflow in the previous article, you had to "wait until the questionnaire was answered". If all the participants answered the questionnaire immediately, your work would proceed smoothly. But unfortunately, it wouldn't go that way easier. Sometimes you wouldn't answer a questionnaire. (Neither do I...)
Thus, I am going to improve the Workflow by setting the expiration. If there is no answer even it comes to the expiration, the Issue is to be automatically terminated.
[Event_Acceptance-Questionnaire (Expiration)]
It is set to be closed 7 after days later the questionnaire request has been made. It would be better if it was able to set the deadline directly in the Form standby Step ("Receive Task (Form)"), but since such setting is impossible, a little ingenuity is necessary.
Upon requesting for answering the questionnaire, the flow is split in two. And on one of the split flow, "Timer Intermediate Event" is arranged. The token proceeds 7 days after, and if it is answered, it advances to the "End Event". If not, it flows to the "Terminate End Event". If it goes to "Terminate End Event", the Process will be automatically terminated and the questionnaire form will become invalid.
Even though the URL of the questionnaire form is made up of a character string that is hard to conjecture, it may not be desirable to remain open depending on the display content and the work content. Moreover, if its period is indefinite, the risk of being attacked is high. Considering those, it is good to set an expiration so that it will be automatically terminated.
[Data Items list]

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