BPMN stands for "Model" and "Notation". The Workflow definition written in BPMN can be run as Workflow system on a BPM system. Would you like to learn BPMN and try systemizing your work?
For information on how to write BPMN, please also refer to BPMN Introduction.
5) Eternal Looping
In a Workflow definition, you can express various loop structures. However, there are some loop structures that cause errors, so be careful. However, there are some loop structures that cause errors, so please be aware of them.
[BPMN sample-Error loop]

6) Never Use Your Own Rules When Designing Workflow Diagrams
Learn how to write about "interrupting" of processing when multiple people are processing at the same time in parallel. In BPMN, it is defined as "Terminate End Event".
[BPMN sample-Single Terminate]
7) Same Results, Different Starts
A Workflow can be started by various kinds of triggers. Not only a person starts one but also methods to automatically start with a timer, etc. is assumed.
[BPMN sample-Varied Multiple Start]

- M217 (AUTO START) Auto Starting at the Time You Fix (Manual)
- M218 (AUTO START) Auto Starting Triggered by Incoming Email (Manual)
- M220 (AUTO START) Auto Starting Triggered by Published Web Form Entry (Manual)
- M221 (AUTO START) Auto Starting Triggered by HTTP Request (Manual)