There are many types of undigitized data, such as government court papers, family registers, maps and more. Today's workflow assumes a contractor receives the image data and returns the text data.
* Although optical character recognition (OCR) technology has made much process, it's still hard to beat human hands. Workflows will most likely be designed for either (a) all work done by humans, (b) collaboration between humans and OCR, or (c) most work done by OCR and checked by humans. The below workflow goes with "(a) all work done by humans."
1. Register Image Data, 2. Accept & Schedule, 3. Text Data, 4. Check
<Process Data Items>
- Title (Summary of digitization job, e.g. "Dec 1990 Osaka district verdict")
- Original image created on (date)
- Original image stored at (string)
- Original image (file)
- Notes (string)
- Deadline (date)
- Digitized text (string)
- Digitized text doc (file)
- Correspondence (discussion)
- Check (OK / NG)
The below workflow allows the checker to send additional cautionary points. This is good for sharing know-how.