The Task:Feedback to Weekly sales report
"Sales of one week" is now to be written to Google Sheets. (See Episode 550)Since every store manager edits one file (e.g. "Sales report 2017-08-27to2017-09-02") concurrently, the following improvements are achieved.
- Each store manager has become to be aware of other stores
- Store managers have become to point out incorrect input each other
- Summing work at the headquarters has become unnecessary (as it is left to Spreadsheet)
- The executives also have become to browse the file and actively checked the trend of each store
Challenge: No comment by management
However, there should have been "feedback" from managers in the headquarter to all the store managers.Even though all the store managers work hard and reporting, it is sad that there are not any comments from the managers in the headquarter. It doesn't matter how simple these words would be. Just express your gratitude to the store managers who are eager to your smile...
Doing so, the executives will be able to understand "what the managers in headquarters are thinking about actual data / what advice they are giving".
[Weekly Sales Report-Feedback]
Solution: Feedback Step setup and automatic writing to SpreadSheet
By arranging a human Step "2. Comment" at the downstream, it is possible to add "feedback work" to area managers.In this business process definition, "comment work" is added to the two area managers. That means the area managers enter their "Feedback" every week on the Workflow platform (Questetra, etc.)
Moreover, in this example, an email sending event, "Store manager notification", and an auto-step, "Sheet entry", has installed together. That is, asides entered "Feedback" will be automatically notified by an email, it will be automatically saved in a target SpreadSheet. (Avoiding double working)
Discussion: Calling Google Sheets API from Workflow
If you want to make request for more complex "file manipulation" to Google Sheets, you need to make your own definition file of service Task.# In this example, "Sheet write" based on the packaged "Service Task add-on, "Google Spreadsheets cell value update" is placed, so you do not need any knowledge concerning API or programming. In other words, the process owner can create a "Business system" simply by creating a Spreadsheet file as a template and setting its ID within the process modeler.
Since Google Sheets itself has a data management structure as "SpreadSheets file > plural Sheets > Values of cells", it is necessary to refer to the most specific API manual for API call according to the content of operation you want.
- Operations affecting the entire spreadsheets file: Collection: spreadsheets (Sheets API v4)
- Copying individual sheets, etc.: Collection: spreadsheets.sheets (Sheets API v4)
- Rewriting values of individual cells etc.: Collection: spreadsheets.values (Sheets API v4)
- Operations such as duplicating the spreadsheets file itself: Drive API v3
Although "Collection: spreadsheets.values" is used in this example, for operations such as batch deletion of data and collective reference of data, "Method: spreadsheets.batchUpdate" which is included in "Collection: spreadsheets", is powerful and useful.
In Service Tasks add-on such as Google Sheets Batch acquisition of Two rows data or Row Addition to Google Sheet (TSV), for example, "Method: spreadsheets.batchUpdate" has been utilized.
<Example of Definition file (Google Spreadsheets cell value update)>
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><service-task-definition>
- <label>Google Spreadsheets value update</label>
- <label locale="ja">Google Spreadsheets セル値の更新</label>
- <summary>1. Get Secret:
- 2. Config [OAuth 2.0 Setting] (scope)
- </summary>
- <help-page-url></help-page-url>
- <help-page-url locale="ja"></help-page-url>
- <configs>
- <config name="conf_OAuth2" required="true" form-type="TEXTFIELD">
- <label>A: Set OAuth2 Config Name (at [OAuth 2.0 Setting])</label>
- <label locale="ja">A: OAuth2通信許可設定名 (←[OAuth 2.0 設定])</label>
- </config>
- <config name="conf_DataIdB" required="true" form-type="SELECT" select-data-type="STRING_TEXTFIELD|SELECT_SINGLE">
- <label>B: Select STRING/SELECT DATA for Spreadsheet ID</label>
- <label locale="ja">B: Spreadsheet ID が格納されている文字列型or選択肢型データを選択してください</label>
- </config>
- <config name="conf_DataIdC" required="true" form-type="SELECT" select-data-type="STRING_TEXTFIELD|SELECT_SINGLE">
- <label>C: Select STRING/SELECT DATA for Sheet Title</label>
- <label locale="ja">C: Sheet の名前が格納されている文字列型データor選択肢型データを選択してください</label>
- </config>
- <config name="conf_DataIdD" required="true" form-type="SELECT" select-data-type="STRING_TEXTFIELD|SELECT_SINGLE">
- <label>D: Select STRING/SELECT DATA for Cell Coordinate (e.g. "A1")</label>
- <label locale="ja">D: 更新セルの座標が格納されている文字列型or選択肢型データを選択してください (例 "A1")</label>
- </config>
- <config name="conf_DataIdE" required="true" form-type="SELECT" select-data-type="STRING|SELECT_SINGLE|DECIMAL|DATE|DATETIME|QUSER|QGROUP">
- <label>E: Select DATA ITEM for Stored Value</label>
- <label locale="ja">E: セルを更新するデータが格納されているデータ項目を選択してください</label>
- </config>
- <config name="conf_DataIdX" required="false" form-type="SELECT" select-data-type="STRING_TEXTAREA">
- <label>X: Select STRING DATA for Access Log (update)</label>
- <label locale="ja">X: 通信ログが格納される文字列型データを選択してください (更新)</label>
- </config>
- </configs>
- <script><![CDATA[
- // Google Spreadsheets Value Update via Sheets API v4 (ver. 20170828)
- // (c) 2017, Questetra, Inc. (the MIT License)
- ////// == 工程コンフィグの参照 / Config Retrieving ==
- var oauth2 = configs.get( "conf_OAuth2" ) + "";
- // Convert from 'java.lang.String' to 'JavaScript string' by '+""'
- var dataIdB = configs.get( "conf_DataIdB" ) + ""; // Data Identification Number (e.g. "9")
- var dataIdC = configs.get( "conf_DataIdC" ) + "";
- var dataIdD = configs.get( "conf_DataIdD" ) + "";
- var dataIdE = configs.get( "conf_DataIdE" ) + "";
- var dataIdX = configs.get( "conf_DataIdX" ) + "";
- ////// == ワークフローデータの参照 / Data Retrieving ==
- var fileId = ""; // e.g. "1PEZ5KEZc0RkUn7AbAe2lYaHXzbJ9jnZ2swIWPszRz6U"
- if( engine.findDataDefinitionByNumber( dataIdB ).matchDataType( "STRING_TEXTFIELD" ) ){
- fileId = data.get( dataIdB ) + ""; // convert to JavaScript string
- }else if( engine.findDataDefinitionByNumber( dataIdB ).matchDataType( "SELECT_SINGLE" ) ){
- fileId = data.get( dataIdB ).get(0).getValue() + "";
- }
- var sheetTitle = ""; // e.g. "Sheet1"
- if( engine.findDataDefinitionByNumber( dataIdC ).matchDataType( "STRING_TEXTFIELD" ) ){
- sheetTitle = data.get( dataIdC ) + "";
- }else if( engine.findDataDefinitionByNumber( dataIdC ).matchDataType( "SELECT_SINGLE" ) ){
- sheetTitle = data.get( dataIdC ).get(0).getValue() + "";
- }
- var cellCoordinate = ""; // e.g. "A1"
- if( engine.findDataDefinitionByNumber( dataIdD ).matchDataType( "STRING_TEXTFIELD" ) ){
- cellCoordinate = data.get( dataIdD ) + "";
- }else if( engine.findDataDefinitionByNumber( dataIdD ).matchDataType( "SELECT_SINGLE" ) ){
- cellCoordinate = data.get( dataIdD ).get(0).getValue() + "";
- }
- var updateValue = "";
- if( engine.findDataDefinitionByNumber( dataIdE ).matchDataType( "SELECT_SINGLE" ) ){
- updateValue = data.get( dataIdE ).get(0).getValue() + "";
- }else{
- updateValue = data.get( dataIdE ) + "";
- }
- ////// == 演算 / Calculating ==
- // preparing for API Request
- var apiRequest = httpClient.begin(); // HttpRequestWrapper
- // preparing for API Request (OAuth2 Access Token)
- var token = httpClient.getOAuth2Token( oauth2 );
- apiRequest = apiRequest.bearer( token );
- // preparing for API Request (Path parameters)
- var apiUri = "";
- apiUri += fileId + "/values/" + sheetTitle + "!" + cellCoordinate;
- // preparing for API Request (Query parameters)
- apiRequest = apiRequest.queryParam( "valueInputOption", "USER_ENTERED" );
- // preparing for API Request (JSON Body)
- var requestObj = {};
- requestObj.values = [];
- requestObj.values[0] = [];
- requestObj.values[0][0] = updateValue;
- apiRequest = apiRequest.body( JSON.stringify( requestObj ), "application/json" );
- // PUT Request to the API
- var response = apiRequest.put( apiUri ); // HttpResponseWrapper
- var statusCode = response.getStatusCode() + "";
- var accessLog = "";
- accessLog += "---PUT request--- " + statusCode + "\n";
- accessLog += response.getResponseAsString() + "\n";
- // Retrieve Properties from Response-JSON
- // (no action)
- ////// == ワークフローデータへの代入 / Data Updating ==
- if( dataIdX !== "" ){
- retVal.put( dataIdX, accessLog );
- }
- ]]></script>
- <icon>
- 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
- </icon>
- </service-task-definition>
[Weekly Sales Report-Feedback: "1. Email text edit" screen]
[Data Items list]
[Free Download]
- Business Template: Weekly Sales Report-Feedback
- Episode 550: Automation for the Task of Spreadsheet Filling in (2017-08-28)
- Episode 546: Analystic API Request In Monday Morning (2017-07-31)
- Episode 539: A Step to be Considered as "Received" when the Time Comes (2017-06-12)
- Episode 537: Visualizing the Status of Occurrence of Redoing Work (2017-05-29)
- M217 AUTO START: Auto Starting Triggered by Incoming Fax
- M415 AUTOMATED STEP: Adding an Auto-Step to be Used for Business Process Definition
- M416 AUTOMATED STEP: Create your own Auto-Step for Business Process Definition
- Google Drive File Copy (Addon commentary)
- Google Spreadsheets Cell Value Update (Addon commentary)
[Japanese Entry (和文記事)]