- Lightly in short sentences / tightly in long sentences
- Current property / history of the past
Or in the case of writing a 'description of a product', the way of writing may vary according to
- to write concept of the product / details of the functions
- to write toward people who see for the first time / write toward people who already know
Certainly, for the experienced staffs, the ' writing' could be done quick and easy. However, for rookies and newcomers, it would be a time-consuming duty.
The following Business Process is a Workflow for registering "reusable sentence (template)", and at the same time, accepting "Improving comments". It might be a knowledge database, rather than a workflow. It is not only to improve the deskwork efficiency, but also to build common recognition in the company. (Also for people who register, it becomes note for future reference.)
- Originating (ordinary): Product introduction, Technology description, Business description
- Originating (extraordinary): Failure announcement, Emergency action report, Questioning
- Replying: Appreciation for inquiry, Apology to the complaint, Refusal against Sales
[Registration of Template and Review]