Want to visualize,
- Delivery process
- Inspection process
- The Payment
- Confirmation of the Payment
- "Think Supply Chain As Cross-Enterprise Workflow"
- "Sending Workflow Logs to Gmail Makes Referring Easier"
1. Quote Request, 1b. Approval Request, 2. Arrangement, 3. Create Quote, 4. Approval quotes, 5. Ordering the contents of quotations, 6. Correction, 7. Approve Modifications, 8. Order Confirmation, 9. Delivery Completion Report, 10. Payment Confirmation
[Quote-Reception-Delivery Process: "1b. Approval Request" screen]
- Title
- Delivery Requirement (date)
- Approval Request by (user)
- Approval Request (select:Approve/Reject)
- Content of Order (table)
- Product (select: No. list)
- Quantity (numeric)
- Correspondent(discussion)
- Total Estimated (numeric)
- Remarks (string: text box 3lines)
- Quote File (file)
- Date Quote Reply (date)
- Flag Leader Check (select: Required /Not)
- Approval (select: Approve / Reject)
- Flag Order (select: Order / Modification Required / Dispose)
Workflow model above is added manufactory's Task [9. Delivery Completion Report] and accountancy's Task [10. Payment Confirmation] to "Sending Workflow Logs to Gmail Makes Referring Easier".
In addition, the following Workflow model has added the task of ordering side [9a. acceptance inspection] and [9b. Conduct Transfer].