
Monday, December 29, 2014

Blog Article Posting Workflow, 400 Titles through Repetition in 5 Years

Few days until the end of 2014...

Thanks to you reader's support, I could achieve "Weekly posts" somehow. This entry will be 52nd in 2014, 411th in total proposing Business process.(*) Taking this opportunity, please allow me to express my sincerest gratitude to the readers of Workflow Samples, especially who gave me requests to write specific Processes, and who gave me comments and impressions on my posting.

*) 51 titles in 2014, 52 in 2013, 53 in 2012, 186 in 2011, 68 in 2010
*) One or two business samples [QAR] attached to each article, so the total number of the samples has become approximately 700.

Looking back, people talk about me that 'I'll be a quitter soon', especially the very beginning of this blog. Well, indeed, there is some proposition of Business Process which are 'no big deal' among them. But I'm willing to continue writing articles. So please help me by giving me 'pep talk' and 'straightforward feedback'

Articles Most Read in Japanese in 2014

Articles Most Read in English in 2014]

Well, now,

The following is the last introducing of Business examples in 2014, which is a very simple 'Blog Entry flow'.

[Blog Entry flow]

[Blog Entry flow:'2e. Proofreading/QAR Creating' screen]

'How do you handle the entry operation for Workflow Samples?'

That is a question I have been asked before. I haven't shown you how because I though it is not worthwhile to positively introduce for it is not using outstanding (complicated) functions. To tell the biggest appeal point forcibly, it will be that Provisional posting by email to "Blogger", the blogging service by Google. Almost like in this way (little bit more complicated practically, though), I have been operating this for 5 years. I hope this will help you. (In addition, the performance list is the highlight of this.)

By the way, I noticed in trying to summarize the "most read articles in 2014" in the above, that "Article that was written in 2014" has not been ranked in at all. This is a sad story. So I would like to list of rankings of "the most read articles written in 2014" to close this last entry of the year.

Wishing a Happy new year to everyone!

Most Read Articles Written in 2014 in Japanese

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