
Monday, January 5, 2015

"Work Request flow" is good for New Year's Workflow Trial

A happy new year to everyone!

Here the year of 2015 starts. I will try my best to contribute to 'Innovation for Business operations in the world'. Hopefully, I could raise the quality of articles so that make the more business people to feel 'this gave me a tip for the Business process to-Be!'.

Well, there is a proverb here in Japan, which means 'The whole year's plans should be made on New Year's Morning'. Actually, almost a half of Japanese go visiting nearby shrine or temple to make their vow. Statistically, the number of worshipers between January 1st and 3rd) is more than 90 million. (out of population of 120 million)

Although there are some people who says 'I would prefer to stay in my bed later in the morning of long-awaited New Year vacation', I would make my vow for this year since this proverb has been kept cherish as a custom from Samurai era (400 years ago).
  • Write at least one article every week (as I have been doing.)
  • Write articles about what more than one person made request, and be sure to do the satisfaction survey.
  • Consider to try publishing in at least one more language (even only the body part).
My, I wonder how it will be at this time of the next year...

After all (?), the first Business Process Template of the year 2015 is 'General Work Request flow'.

[General Work Request flow]

[General Work Request flow: '2. Completion Report' screen]

In fact, the first article in 2014 was also about "General Work Request flow", however it is a convenient framework for experiencing a Workflow system, or even after the implementation. In short, it is a 'mechanism that merely a work is listed up in My Task of the Requestee', though I would like you to import this template, if you haven't experienced it.

In the template of this time, it has been expanded to be capable of option of 'change the personnel' for the person of requestee. (Self-Looping on Step [2, Completion Report (Reconfirmation/Change personnel)]) This will allow, e.g. a personnel in design team who handles all the designing of Icons can pass some of the jobs to another person when he or she is too busy to accept all.

P.S. I have found several translations of the proverb above.
  • Decisions made on New Year's Day/Morning are the key to a successful year.
  • New Year's Day is the day for making plans for the coming year.
  • One year of total is located in the New Year's Day/Morning.
  • The plan for the year is made on New Year's Day/Morning.
  • New year's day/morning is the key of the year.

[Data Items list]

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