
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Workflow for Obtaining Board Member Opinions BEFORE Ringi Process

Ringi processes that are authorized by the board of directors probably should be confirmed by the directors beforehand. And if possible, acquire advice from the directors beforehand.

Sometimes you're asked a question by a board member and don't know what to say!

Expand "Processing Ringi Approvals Simultaneously" and improve them.


1. Start Ringi, 2. Supervisor Approval, 2ab. Approval A/B, 3. Approve/Authorize, 4. Approve/Authorize, 5. Approve/Authorize

[Ringi <Confirmation Beforehand>: "5. Approve/Authorize" screen]

<Process Data Items>
  • Title
<<Initiator information>>
  • Department (string)
  • Initiator (user)
  • Supervisor (user)
  • Additional Approver A (user)
  • Additional Approver B (user)
  • Director in charge (user)
<<Ringi information>>
  • Initiated on (date)
  • Ringi ID (string)
  • Explanation regarding ringi (string)
  • Explanation regarding payment selection (string)
  • Period (Date)
  • Additional info on period (string)
  • Amount (numeric)
  • Payment to (string)
  • Reference files (file)
  • Within budget? (Select: Yes / No)
  • Budget source (Select: Sales management / Project fee)
<<Approval control>>
  • Withdraw? (Select: (re)submit / Withdraw)
  • Supervisor approval (Select: OK / No)
  • Director approval (Select: OK / No)
  • CEO approval (Select: OK / No)
  • Board approval (Select: OK / No)
  • Board proceedings (Select: Currently being discussed / Settled)
  • Correspondence (discussion)
  • Board discussion (discussion)

In the above workflow, as long as the process's status is "currently being discussed," the flow stays at task 5 permanently. Board members can add comments in the "correspondence" field as many times as they want.

It's also easy to set it up so that concerned parties (initiator, supervisor, director, etc.) receive notification emails every time a director adds a comment. Furthermore, you may want to set aside a different discussion board specifically for board members, invisible to other members.

1. Start Ringi, 2. Supervisor Approval, 2ab. Approval A/B, 3. Approve/Authorize, 4. Approve/Authorize, 5. Approve/Authorize