
Monday, May 2, 2011

Processing Ringi Approvals Simultaneously

If your company often has multiple directors approve ringisho, we have a solution! Let's expand our previous sample, "Accelerating Ringi Workflows with Smartphones."
The below workflow can request approvals from Approver A (and B) BEFORE the director's approval.

1. Start Ringi, 2. Supervisor Approval, 2ab. Approval A/B, 3. Approve/Authorize, 4. Approve/Authorize, 5. Approve/Authorize

[Ringi <Additional Approver>: "3. Approve/Authorize" screen]

<Process Data Items>
  • Title
<<Initiator information>>
  • Department (string)
  • Initiator (user)
  • Supervisor (user)
  • Additional Approver A (user)
  • Additional Approver B (user)
  • Director in charge (user)
<<Ringi information>>
  • Initiated on (date)
  • Ringi ID (string)
  • Explanation regarding ringi (string)
  • Explanation regarding payment selection (string)
  • Period (Date)
  • Additional info on period (string)
  • Amount (numeric)
  • Payment to (string)
  • Reference files (file)
  • Within budget? (Select: Yes / No)
  • Budget source (Select: Sales management / Project fee)
<<Approval control>>
  • Withdraw? (Select: (re)submit / Withdraw)
  • Supervisor approval (Select: OK / No)
  • Director approval (Select: OK /No)
  • CEO approval (Select: OK / No)
  • Board approval (Select: OK / No)
  • Correspondence (discussion)
Now, if you want Approvers A and B to receive their tasks simultaneously, you'll get something like the below workflow. This is an important improvement if you want to reduce the time spent on circulating ringisho. Only, you might have a hard time when A and B disagree.

1. Start Ringi, 2. Supervisor Approval, 2ab. Approval A/B, 3. Approve/Authorize, 4. Approve/Authorize, 5. Approve/Authorize