
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

How to Optimize Meetings

Important meetings are more often than not participated by members with high salaries. That means it's crucial to keep these meetings efficient. Facilitating meetings is not always the easiest thing to do, so it is extremely meaningful to optimize and standardize preparations.

Today's workflow sample allows users to link meeting data to the next scheduled meeting, after task 5 (Create Meeting Minutes). This eliminates having to prepare meeting minutes items.

(By the way, using workflow systems for meetings themselves increases visualization! But you have to be careful of authorization settings.)

1. Notify Date, 2. Curriculum Ideas, 3. Create Curriculum and Notify, 4. pre-opinions/minutes, 5. Create Meeting Minutes

[Meeting Management <Data Integration>: "1. Notify Date" screen]

<Process Data Items>
  • Title (Date and meeting title, e.g. Dec 3 Management Meeting)
  • Date (date)
  • Place (string)
  • Notes (string: text box 2 lines)
<<Curriculum ideas>>
  • Curriculum ideas chat (discussion)
  • Curriculum list (string: text box 8 lines)
  • Reference (file)
  • Opinions chat (discussion)
  • Meeting minutes (string: text box 8 lines)
  • Reference (file)
  • Curriculum ideas? (Select: Currently accepting / No longer accept)
<<Next meetings data>>
  • Next meeting? (Select:Yes / No)
  • Meeting title (string)
  • Date (date)
  • Place (string)
  • Notes (string)
  • Curriculum ideas (string)

If the meeting is not too official, you might not have to notify participants. In this case you can make the system directly initiate the next process after task 5 (Create Meeting Minutes).

1. Notify Date, 2. Curriculum Ideas, 3. Create Curriculum and Notify, 4. pre-opinions/minutes, 5. Create Meeting Minutes