
Friday, May 20, 2011

Predicting Expenditure Of Each Month by Registering Bills

In the article"Bravery To Optimize Money Flow Inside Company", we didn't mention about "bills".

There must be processes of checking bills form outside before the first Task [1b. Input Estimate].
We would like to build a system that over takes previous process by adding "Message Start Event".

1. Application Advances Paid, 2. Approval by Supervisor, 3. Response to Notion, 4. Approval by Accounting, 5. Settlement
1b. Input Estimate, 2b. approval by Accounting Manager

[Paid-Settlement Confirmation-Data Connection "5. Settlement" ]

  • Title
    • <<Advanced by, Payee (ex. XXX Co.)>>
    • <<Note: Each line item must be in the same month>>
  • Supervisor (user)
  • Supervisor check (select, Yes / No)
  • Accountancy check (select, Yes / No)
  • Accounting Manager check (select, Yes / No)
  • Settlement on (date)
  • Correspondence (discussion)
-Settlement Info-
  • Amount (numeric)
  • Payment deadline (date)
  • Files (file)
  • Detailed statement (table)
    • Date (string)
    • Adoption (string)
    • Unit price (numeric)
    • Quantity (numeric)
    • Subtotal (numeric)
    • Remarks (string)

Before Workflow model above comes a model below, about previous process on checking Bills.

As a matter of course, data flow through will almost be the same. But in case pay on multiple bills together, or split payment on a bill, you might feel bothered in automated data connection. Then select "No" on "Data Connection" and start "Settlement Confirmation" process manually.

0. Expected Bill, 1. Register Bill, 2. Approval, 3. Response to Notion, 4. Approval by Accountancy

  • Title
    • <<Advanced by, Payee (ex. XXX Co.)>>
    • <<Note: Each line item must be in the same month>>
  • Supervisor (user)
  • Supervisor check (select, Yes / No)
  • Accountancy check (select, Yes / No)
  • Data Connection (select, Yes / No)
  • Correspondence (discussion)
-Settlement Info-
  • Amount (numeric)
  • Payment deadline (date)
  • Files (file)
  • Detailed statement (table)
    • Date (string)
    • Adoption (string)
    • Unit price (numeric)
    • Quantity (numeric)
    • Subtotal (numeric)
    • Remarks (string)