
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Clock Register to Launch Application Advances Paid Process automatically Every Month

There's no chance to spy what coworker has claimed for his advance pay if he applied in paper document.
However, those applications had done Online and optimized in company, you often see other person's claim unexpectedly.
And it gradually brings morality and "Commonsense" inside company.

To collect monthly applications in one document per person, [1. Application Advances Paid] task timed to launch on the first day of the month with initialized title like "Mr.Smith March period". A mechanism to make an employee habit of overwrite and save many times over through the month by looping [1. Application Advances Paid] task.


1. Application Advances Paid, 2. Approval by Supervisor, 3. Response to Notion, 4. Approval by Accounting, 5. Settlement
1b. Input Estimate, 2b. approval by Accounting Manager

[Application Advances Paid-Settlement Confirmation <Auto Launch> :
"1. Application Advances Paid" screen]

  • Title
    • <<Advanced by, Payee (ex. Mr.Smith XXX Co. March period)>>
    • <<Note: Each line item must be in the same month>>
  • Supervisor (user)
  • Supervisor check (select, Yes / No)
  • Accountancy check (select, Yes / No)
  • Accounting Manager check (select, Yes / No)
  • Settlement on (date)
  • Correspondence (discussion)
-Settlement Info-
  • Amount (numeric)
  • Payment deadline (date)
  • Files (file)
  • Detailed statement (table)
    • Date (string)
    • Adoption (string)
    • Unit price (numeric)
    • Quantity (numeric)
    • Subtotal (numeric)
    • Remarks (string)

In Workflow model above, [1. Application Advances Paid] task is listed on every each employee's task list at 9 o'clock in the morning of every first day of the months. And title has settled like "Mr. Smith March period" as initial value, so an employee sees it on his list until deadline day.

By the way, it's not bad to run the workflow with amount of nothing when nothing has paid through the month (it helps to detect failure to claim), yet It seems better to make it possible to abort.

1. Application Advances Paid, 2. Approval by Supervisor, 3. Response to Notion, 4. Approval by Accounting, 5. Settlement
1b. Input Estimate, 2b. approval by Accounting Manager

<Added Items>
  • Abort (select check box)