
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

"Free Trial Account" Issuance Automated And Unmanned

Issuing "Free Trial Account" in practice, manpower required on some occasion by all means. But what men do is only inputting same fixed commands into computer. "Free Trial Account" is sure to be issued by Automated And Unmanned when receiving Applicant information.

In the Workflow model below, It issues "Free Trial Account" without manpower by receiving info from BPM. Only whenever error occurs, human needed. Making inter-working between human and computer is the real pleasure of BPMS.

1. Application Info, 2. Manual Issue Account

[Trial Account Issue-Automatic Issue: [2. Manual Issue Account] screen]

  • Title<<Company Name>>
-Applicant Info-
  • Name(string)
  • Company(string)
  • Email Address(string)
  • Phone Number(string)
  • Other Info(string: text box 3lines)
  • Ignore?(select:yes/no)
  • Issued Account(string)
  • Correspondent(discussion)

In the Workflow model above, Applicant info is sent by [Message Throwing Intermediate Event], and success that if issued "Free Trial Account" is received by [Message Catching Intermediate Event].
And it's also better giving Human task of verifying records of issuance in case of double application or mistaking.
In the Workflow model below, "Free Trial Account" issued automatically can be eliminate at [3. Verification] if necessary
1. Application Info, 2. Manual Issue Account, 3. Verification