
Monday, May 30, 2011

Automate From Acceptance To Issue On Trial Account

In any business, "Free Trial" is important. Sending out samples, issuing trial accounts... But don't want to spend much cost on them. We want make [Accepting Free Trial Flow] automated.
Today's Workflow model below is a example of process in issuance of Free Trial account.

1. Application Info, 2. Issue Account
[Trial Account Issue: [2. Issue Account] screen]

  • Title<<Company Name>>
-Applicant Info-
  • Name(string)
  • Company(string)
  • Email Address(string)
  • Phone Number(string)
  • Other Info(string: text box 3lines)
  • Ignore?(select:yes/no)
  • Issued Account(string)
  • Correspondent(discussion)

In the Task [1. Application Info], information from Web site are automatically inputted, but it takes time if human checked each every application.
Workflow model below, application info from Web site are passed to computing department (who issues accounts) without human check.

1. Application Info, 2. Issue Account