
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Making Customer List That Tells You How Good, Out From "Free Trial"

Inviting for Free Samples and Trials, and sending out automatically to customers.
It is good to satisfy expecting customers with those automation through from reception to sending.
But is it enough? We want connect them to more push into customer.
Workflow below passes application info to the sales.

  • "Automate From Acceptance To Issue On Trial Account"
  • "Free Trial Account" Issuance Automated And Unmanned"

1. Application Info, 2. Manual Issue Account, 3. Verification, 4. Lead Info

[Trial Account Issue-Automatic Issue: [2. Manual Issue Account] screen]

  • Title<<Company Name>>
-Applicant Info-
  • Name(string)
  • Company(string)
  • Email Address(string)
  • Phone Number(string)
  • Other Info(string: text box 3lines)
  • Ignore?(select:yes/no)
  • Expectation(select:Expected/Ignore)
  • Issued Account(string)
  • Correspondent(discussion)

It's better to add "Sales Flow" in the Workflow above. But precise "Sales Flow" is not build, simply add [Expectation Mark(1-10)] at end of the flow. It helps making Customer List more user-friendly.

1. Application Info, 2. Manual Issue Account, 3. Verification, 4. Lead Info, 5. Sales Phone Result

  • Title<<Company Name>>
-Applicant Info-
  • Name(string)
  • Company(string)
  • Email Address(string)
  • Phone Number(string)
  • Other Info(string: text box 3lines)
  • Ignore?(select:yes/no)
  • Expectation(select:Expected/Ignore)
  • Issued Account(string)
  • Expectation Mark(1-10)(numeric)
  • Correspondent(discussion)