
Friday, May 27, 2011

Distinction On Complaints by Priority With Autmated Filter

The way how to treat complaints are different between companies for their scales or what the sell.
Even distributes on a distributes worth stationary, Listed company must treat it carefully. In other hand, for a company which distributes Free-software to the world wide, they must ignore some complaints. But in any case, accumulation of complaint and analysis on them are very important activity for maintaining their competitiveness.

In the Workflow model below, each complaint is filtered automatically and with higher priority can be acknowledged easier in sight.

Similar: "Shift Your Tension By "Type Of Complaint""

1. Register Complaint, 2. Primary Respondent, 3. Correspondence, 4. Report
2b. [Urgent] Primary Respondent, 3b. [Urgent] Correspondence

[Complaint Treatment-Sort by Priority: "2b. [Urgent] Primary Respondent" screen]

  • Title <<Priority(0-9)+ Summary of Complaint: (ex.)7: No Delivery>>
  • Originator of complaint (string)
  • Originator belong to (string)
  • Email address (string)
  • Phone number (string)
  • More info (string: text box 3 lines)
  • Type of complaint (select: A. Deficient/ B. Disappointment/ C. Other/ D. Harassment)
  • Type of originator (select: 1. Low risk of losing Regular/ 2. High risk of losing Regular/ 3. High chance of getting Regular/ 4. Low chance of getting Regular)
  • Summary of Complaint (string: text box 3 lines)
  • History of correspondence (discussion)
      <<example; a.m.9:12.May.23rd; First Respondent, email "We are very sorry for your inconvenience. We will carefully look into how this was happen, and explain to you as soon as possible." p.m.14:35. May.23rd; On the telephone Apologize for delivery delay.>>
  • Status (select: Initial action/ Prospective/ Not Prospective/ Close)
    • <<[Close] skip to [Report]>>
  • Report by (user)
  • Final report (string: text box 5 lines)
  • Files (file)

In this Workflow model, automatically give higher priority against those
  • A-3: Complained on merchandise with defect but still capable of being repeat customer.
  • B-2: Complained on merchandise even without defect and possible being out of repeat customer if not cared right.
complaints. Although names of Tasks are different, processes are the same.

If you have a policy that ignore those [Type of Complaint] are [D. Harassment], Workflow model should be the one below.

1. Register Complaint, 2. Primary Respondent, 3. Correspondence, 4. Report
2b. [Urgent] Primary Respondent, 3b. [Urgent] Correspondence