
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Make Complaint Treatment Efficient With Sharring "Best Practice"

The key to smooth complaints treating is to share the know-how. In other words, how we manage "Best Practice".

It's alright to select the Best out of whole thing weekly or monthly. But we often apt to leave to chance putting it later for what you have right in front of you. You'd better put "Best Practice Point" sequentially through treating complaint.


1. Register Complaint, 2. Primary Respondent, 3. Correspondence, 4. Report, 5. Best Practice Point
2b. [Urgent] Primary Respondent, 3b. [Urgent] Correspondence

[Complaint Treatment-Best Practice: "5. Best Practice Point" screen]

  • Title <<Priority(0-9)+ Summary of Complaint: (ex.)7: No Delivery>>
  • Originator of complaint (string)
  • Originator belong to (string)
  • Email address (string)
  • Phone number (string)
  • More info (string: text box 3 lines)
  • Type of complaint (select: A. Deficient/ B. Disappointment/ C. Other/ D. Harassment)
  • Type of originator (select: 1. Low risk of losing Regular/ 2. High risk of losing Regular/ 3. High chance of getting Regular/ 4. Low chance of getting Regular)
  • Summary of complaint (string: text box 3 lines)
  • History of correspondence (discussion)
      <<example; a.m.9:12.May.23rd; First Respondent, email "We are very sorry for your inconvenience. We will carefully look into how this was happen, and explain to you as soon as possible." p.m.14:35. May.23rd; On the telephone Apologize for delivery delay.>>
  • Status (select: Initial action/ Prospective/ Not Prospective/ Close)
    • <<[Close] skip to [Report]>>
  • Report by (user)
  • Final Report (string: text box 5 lines)
  • Files (file)
  • Best Practice Point (numeric)
    • <<0 to 100 value for this field.>>

In the Workflow model below, when the leader gave more than 80 Best Practice Point, email were sent automatically to share the Best Practice.

1. Register Complaint, 2. Primary Respondent, 3. Correspondence, 4. Report, 5. Best Practice Point
2b. [Urgent] Primary Respondent, 3b. [Urgent] Correspondence