
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Shift Your Tension By "Type OF Complaint"

"Complaints" should be treated in different ways up to such a case as the quality of merchandise or service was not good than company would provide, or as even the quality was good but the customer wasn't satisfied.
  • A. Deficient (merchandise or service was less than expected quality.)
  • B. Disappointment (Quality was enough but the customer expected more.)
  • C. Other (Complaint on others except merchandise or service)
  • D. Harassment
And about "a person who complains", we can classify into, for example,
  • 1. Low risk of losing Regular
  • 2. High risk of losing Regular
  • 3. High chance of getting Regular
  • 4. Low chance of getting Regular
Well now...A-1, B-3, C-2, which Complaint should be treated right away...?

1.Register Complaint, 2. Primary Respondent, 3.Correspondence, 4. Report

[Complaint Treatment-Individual : "2. Primary Respondent" screen]

  • Title<<Place>>
  • Originator of Complaint(string)
  • Originator belong to(string)
  • Email address(string)
  • Phone number(string)
  • More Info(string: text box 3 lines)
  • Type of Complaint(select: A.Deficient/ B.Disappointment/ C.Other/ D.Harassment)
  • Type of Originator(select: 1. Low risk of losing Regular/ 2.High risk of losing Regular/ 3.High chance of getting Regular/4.Low chance of getting Regular)
  • Summary of Complaint(string: text box 3lines)
  • History of Correspondence(discussion)
  • Status(select: Initial action/ Prospective/ Not Prospective/ Close)<<[Close] skip to [Report]>>
  • Report by(user)
  • Final Report(string: text box 5lines)
  • Files(file)

It depends on each company to say what is the right answer. But it's true for every company to make quick Primary Respondent. Then look into what had happened and how and where it should go.

This Workflow Model focuses on "When complaints have convinced" so workers write the correspondence into [History of Correspondence], BBS type data item through out from Primary Respondent to final correspondent over and over. By applying this system,everyone in the company can know how much or what kind of complain are claimed. Filtering by [Type of Complaint] and[Type of Originator (of complain)] is also useful.

And for treating complaints by Team, not an individual, use Workflow model below with Team Swimlane

1.Register Complaint, 2. Primary Respondent, 3.Correspondence, 4. Report

<Added Items>