
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Recording Work Time in Workflows Can Work

It's actually a good idea to report work time (start and completion) in workflow systems (attendance records). For example, when working outside the office it's easy to just send a notice (Work time starting now!) by smartphone.

This type of reporting is often performed in batches of several days. And this means incorrect work time data is accumulated in the company. It's important to have employees get used to reporting each morning and each night, when coming into the office, when going home without returning to the office, when working from home, etc. This is why utilizing the workflow system, which employees access everyday, is a good idea.

1. Report Start of Work, 2. Confirm Out-of-Office Work, 3. Report End of Work

[Work Attendance <Direct Returns>: "1. Report Start of Work" screen]

In the above workflow sample, when an employee goes directly to work outside the office, without coming into the office in the morning, he/she can check [yes] in the field, [Notify supervisor of start of work time]. This initiates the second task (Confirm Out-of-Office Work). This is actually convenient when the employee realizes he/she is late, on the way to the office.

Moreover, the below workflow accommodates cases when the employee wants to go home directly after visiting a client. The employee can simultaneously report both the start and end time.

1. Report Start of Work, 2. Confirm Start of Work, 3. Report End of Work, 4. Confirm End of Work