
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

An Absence Registering Workflow Connected to "Number-of-Remaining-Paid-Holidays" Reminders

We're a little worried that we may get complaints saying yesterday's workflow sample ("Learning BPM Through a Simple Absence Registering Workflow") was too simple. We're going to complicate it before we do.

One of the golden rules of business process modeling (*) is defining the deliverable of the process. So, in this case, why are employees required to register their absences?
1. Let senior and colleague team members know that you are taking the day off, and entrusting them with work when necessary
2. Calculate your work days and off days
3. Calculate the number of remaining paid holidays
Aha! The final reason is something that all employees would want to be aware of.
(*Check out our Golden Rules of Business Process Modeling for more info!)

1. Register Absence, 2. Approve Absence, 2a. Revise Absence Register, 3. Notify Number of Remaining Paid Holidays, 4. Confirm

[Absence Register <Paid Holidays Email Reminder>: 
"3. Notify Number of Remaining Paid Holidays" screen]

One way is to have employees confirm the number of remaining paid holidays in task 4, but you might want to avoid adding tasks that require no input to the work list. It might suffice to have them check by email.

In the below workflow, the number of remaining paid holidays is notified by email, not through the workflow system.

1. Register Absence, 2. Approve Absence, 2a. Revise Absence Register, 3. Notify Number of Remaining Paid Holidays