
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Press Release Results Should Be Inspected Afterwards

Yesterday Questetra Inc. published a press release. (If you're interested check it out here.)
Press releases are often communicated by the route: [releasing body – mass media – general public]. However, these days the use of a third party is often seen: [releasing body – press release agency –mass media – general public]. There may be many reasons behind this: there are more forms of media, more people in the general public read press releases, it can be used as an SEO strategy, and the media is beginning to depend on agencies.

1. Register Press Release, 2. Notify Agency, 3. Check Final Release, 4. Register in Company Website

[Press Release <Measure Effect> : "1. Register Press Release" screen]

The above workflow sample does not include any tasks relating to creating the press release.This is because creating the workflow more often than not involves "nemawashi" in various departments, and is difficult to pin down in one standard form. But once the complicated work is over, publishing the press release is routine.

The below workflow sample includes a task for measuring the effects of the press release.

1. Register Press Release, 2. Notify Agency, 3. Check Final Release, 4. Register in Company Website, 5. Input Results Figures

*Questetra: Newest Version of Cloud BPM Service Supports Telecommuting