
Sunday, April 1, 2018

Episode 581: Rookies, Get Used to Workflow in Attendance Report!

In Japan, spring is the season of cherry blossom and the starting of a new life.

Another new fiscal year begins today, so an employment ceremony is held in many companies. Once a new employee is assigned, the superiors, senior employees, or HR staffs will instruct this and that of company life. Among them, it supposedly includes "how to make work report".

Recently, "Workstyle reformation" and "Discretionary working time system (Exempt employee)" are topics frequently discussed, so it is very important to be able to record and to recognize the hours worked properly. (Attendance management)
Reporting and recording of attendance and leave time has been managed in various ways, such as by filling in paper or stamping on time cards when it used to be, or now with IC cards or in a dedicated system, etc. Also, to use a general-purpose Workflow system is one of the ways.

Sometimes "Attendance report flow" is referred to as "the four major Workflow Apps", together with "Work request flow", "Procurement request flow" and "Out-of-pocket expenses claim flow" which I introduced you before as "the Starter templates pack". By managing attendance using cloud-based Workflow, you can take advantages of the following.
  • Teleworkers/Remote workers or staffs with frequent outings can also be recorded in the workplace or on the go
  • Daily processing allows new members to become accustomed to Workflow operations
  • Possible to improve ease-of-use for the organization continuously (would lead to reform of work style)

[Hours Worked Report]

For new recruits, there are lots of new things to remember such as organizations, jobs, systems... If it is necessary to log in to different systems for each purpose, such as Attendance report, Expense adjustment, Leave request, etc. it will be very cumbersome (isn't it?) In that respect, you will be able to minimize what you will learn and to speed up getting accustomed to it if you can realize it all in one Workflow system (Workflow platform).

In this "Attendance report flow", various measures are taken to prevent omission of reports or to alleviate the operation of inputting.


In order to minimize the occurrence of "forgetting to report attendance", "My task" of "report attendance time" is automatically allocated every morning. For a worker, he or she only needs to enter the attendance time in response to a request that arrives every morning, so omissions will barely occur. (Incidentally, if he or she leaves the task for 20 hours without entering anything, it will automatically be considered as "vacation day", so he or she does not have to do anything especially during a long vacation, etc.)

Initial value setting

The fact that the default value (initial value) has been entered in advance is also good in the aspect of lowering "effort of inputting". In other words, you can report without entering numbers on the day you worked as expected such as "9: 00 for work attendance / 17: 00 for leaving / 1 hour for a break".

Input support

Also, note that the input support buttons are implemented as decoration. Recently "Calendar input" or "Time select input of every 30 minutes" are being used frequently as input support, while in this example, "Frequent candidate buttons" are also listed. It is true that the value to be entered as "time of leaving" is limited among 24 hours of a day, so it can be said that the effort of inputting time worked are greatly reduced.

[Hours Worked Report:"1. Enter attendance time" screen]

<Data Items list>

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