
Monday, April 4, 2016

Episode 477: Business Process that Begins with a Request from the Outside is Worthy of Improvement

It is easy to promote "Improvement project" if the "Originating source" was outside the organization.
  • (a) Internal trigger
  • (b) External trigger
After all, business operations by (a)Internal triggers are "Workflow that is closed to in-house".

For a Leave Request flow that starts from "an employee" or Decision-making Request flow, which starts from a "subordinate", for example, Workflow administrators unintentionally tend to be in a mood that "It doesn't need to be in a hurry for revising", or "It might be managed somehow in the actual operation".

Whereas, for operations by (b) External triggers, they won't be so.

For example, Brochure Shipping flow, which is started by a request from a customer, or Procurement-Settlement flow that is started by billing from a supplier... These will be directly linked to the company's reputation. In other words, a motivation such as "Want to improve the Process to complete operations faster without mistake" is naturally shared within the members.

The Workflow below, is a Payment Confirmation flow for "Event participation fee".

The Process transmits "Receipt PDF" automatically via email when the secretariat confirms the payment via credit card or bank transfer from participants.

You see an enthusiasm like
  • Want to convey "Thank you for joining" as soon as possible,
  • Want to confirm remittance (payment) without any oversight.

[Payment Confirmation flow]

When you work on the improvement of workflow, it would be a royal road to focus on the "required time" at first.

If it is allowed to respond with so-called "Thank-you email", for example, you should consider about implementation of automatic reply. (Of course, you will need further improvement when Noises coming in often.) This Business Process (Workflow) has been also devised automatic email transmission for entries from participants. It meets the need of the participants that "Want to confirm if my participation entry has been accepted".

Also, the operations of "Generating of Receipt PDF", etc. should be automated.

In this Business Process (Workflow), generation of Receipt PDF and email transmission have been automated after inputting "words to be embedded" upon confirming the payment. It is possible to significantly reduce the errors due to manual operation.

How about starting your Business Process Management activity (BPM activity) intentionally on "Externally triggered business", rather than "internally triggered operations" such as Decision-making Request flow.

[Payment Confirmation flow: "1. Payment Confirmation" screen]

[Data Items list]

[Free Download]
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