
Monday, March 28, 2016

Episode 476: Regulation Revision Flow is also "Regulation Browsing System"

I want to see the "Work regulations" of the company!
  • 5 years of service, how many "Paid leave" do I have?
  • By the way, what are the words describing "Prohibition of moonlighting"?
  • What does the work rule say about new "Teleworking"?
There are a variety of motives and timings at which workers want to read "work regulations" again. However, in reality, it might not be in the state that immediately referable at the time when an employee wanted to see(You shouldn't openly say so, or "Labor Standards Inspection Office" will find you.)
  • The printed material at hand is not likely the latest version.
  • Did I have one of those materials?
  • I don't know where the latest version is...

The following Workflow is a Business Processes which are related to "creation" and "dissemination" of the company regulations.

All of the company regulations are revised in accordance with this Workflow. Automatically (and inevitably), all of the regulation files are recorded. (You can also see which regulations have been revised and which regulations have been abolished.)

After all, employees can see "the latest version of the company regulations" in the online at any time. Such devising as, for example, embedding a link in the Operating screen of "Time and attendance reporting process" would also be good.

[Company Regulations Creation]

[Company Regulations Dissemination]

The Process itself, related to company regulation, is very simple. The Department in charge (would be mostly Affairs Department) create a draft of the company regulations, the officer in charge check it, the Board of Directors approve it, and then an announcement to the entire company to be made.

However, what is excellent in this sample is that intentionally separated into two Business Processes. That is, the actual operation is on assumption of;
  • Regarding the "Dissemination flow", [Data viewing authorization] is given to all employees, but
  • Regarding the "Creation flow", [Data viewing authorization] is given to only officers, etc.

In the Deliberation Step on "Creation flow", for example, officers can write freely based on the principle of exclusive. In addition, the risks of misunderstandings and false recognition of data viewers will be lowered by the setting as not be viewed "the phantom in-house regulations" which is the revision itself had aborted at the process of the deliberations.

[Company Regulations Creation:"1. Draft Registration" screen]

[Company Regulations Creation: Data Items list]

[Company Regulations Dissemination: Data Items list]

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