
Monday, April 13, 2015

Platforming the Translation Workflow

Manuals, Press release, Website...

Translation job is born in various sections. Certainly, Outsourcing and Crowdsourcing could be the options for 'translation on common matters'. However, I would say, translation of sentences that are full of terminology should be done in-house. (Or else, you should concentrate on specific translation requestee.)

The following is a simple translating operation.

Notably, that it displays the sentences to be translated on the left side of 'two column layout', and the translation can be written in the Input field on the right side. Particularly for shorter manuscript, the translator will treat it quickly only with the Web browser. (The Spellchecker as browser plug-in would also be helpful.)

Also, it can be said it is very excellent that "the amount of work" (number of characters in the translation) is automatically measured, in addition to recording of basic Workflow information such as Who/ When.

[Translation flow]

[Translation flow:'2. Translating' screen]

This Workflow is so simple that even a sending-back is not assumed. That means if there was a defect or dissatisfaction, it would be to re-request as another Process anew.

Nevertheless, that simplicity allows data transaction with external Processes. (Also, capable of corresponding to the requests from the different Workflow platform.)

Exactly "Simple is Best"...
Or, "Less is More"...

In any case, I would say that keeping the Business Processes simple is an important success factor in BPM activities.

* Incidentally, if the translator him/herself has something want to ask to requester, it is sufficient to chat on the Enterprise Social Networking in association with the [Issue ID].

[Script Setting Sample]
// ★★★Setting「Numbeer of Caracters」★★★
var input_text = data.get("4"); // Retrieving 'Translation' data item
var textObj = new String(input_text);
retVal.put("8", java.math.BigDecimal(textObj.length) );

[Data Items list]

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[Japanese Entry (ε’Œζ–‡θ¨˜δΊ‹)]