
Monday, April 6, 2015

Review and Share the Script for Data Editing on Workflow!

'Red pen' is the best way to review a draft by your subordinate?

Indeed, I feel good in writing my comments freely after printing out the draft onto paper, like
  • This expression is unacceptable!
  • These sentences are hard to understand!!
  • More specifically about this!!!
In some cases, I would draw arrows or enclose the entire sentences... A red pen provides a good efficiency. (As long as paper can be handed, as I can supplement verbally, as it shouldn't be recorded...)

This 'function of a red pen'(?) probably corresponds to the "Review function" of a PC software. On "Microsoft Word", the reviewer writes in 'Track change' mode, and the drafter confirms in 'Show Markups' mode.

However, how do I do this on Web workflow?

The Workflow below represents "Reviewing on JavaScript". In this reviewing process, the manuscript to be reviewed is displayed on the left side of 'Two column layout', and on the right side, you can enter your comments into the input form.

Certainly, I can't help feeling 'this setting is too simple as a mechanism'. But, if you use it, you will find it is surprisingly convenient. First of all, it is wonderful that you can quickly handle the reviewing without even booting special software.

[Script Reviewing flow]

[Script Reviewing flow:'2a. Commentary' screen]

The drawback with this "two-column layout" is that there might possibly be a little gap, when the manuscript was 'Fewer line breaks' or 'Sentences are long'. That is, your comment entered on the right side such as

<- These sentences are hard to understand!

could deviate slightly from where it should point.

However, still the advantage is big that the proofreading work is completed only in the browser (without downloading Files). It will be worthwhile enough, if your business is mostly concerned with commenting on text manuscripts, especially if you are doing it by using quotation mark intensively on emails or web chat.

* Of course, there will be absolutely no problem as long as using this Workflow for text manuscripts in which lines have been properly broken.

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