
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Periodic Or Emergency, Maintenance Duty Goes On Almost the Same Flow

In the article "Maintenance Duty Certainly Is A Flow", we have introduced simple maintenance duty workflow.

But just think about what made you inspect? Of course periodical does, but also External notification such as claims and tip-offs. It's convenient setting up Workflow to start automatically when receiving Inspection Data.

1. Inspection Point, 2. Inspection Date, 3. Operation of Inspection Report, 4. Repair Date, 5. Operation of Repair Report, 6.Confirmation

[Maintenance Duty-Receive Inspection Data:[2. Inspection Date] screen]

  • Title<<Point>>
-Inspection Point-
  • inspection Point on GoogleMap(string)
  • Ideal Inspection On (date)
  • Summary of Inspection(string: text box 3 lines)
  • Correspondence (discussion)
-Inspection Report-
  • Schedule Inspection On (date)
  • Inspected On (date)
  • Photo Inspecting (file)
  • Inspection Report (string: text box 3 lines)
  • Judgment (select:Need to be Repaired/No Need to be Repaired)
-Repair Report-
  • Schedule Repair On (date)
  • Repaired On (date)
  • Photo Repairing (file)
  • Repair Report (string: text box 3 lines)

In Workflow model above, [1. Inspection Point] have already inputted before office worker starts. So he can pass to next process right away just by visual confirmation.
However, there's a possibility of piling up at [1. Inspection Point]. If each data that sent to is reliable enough, it's good to start from Task [2. Inspection Date] as shown below.

1. Inspection Point, 2. Inspection Date, 3. Operation of Inspection Report, 4. Repair Date, 5. Operation of Repair Report, 6.Confirmation

<Added Items>