
Monday, May 23, 2011

Maintenance Duty Certainly Is A Flow

Maintenance Duties actually is a typical Workflow. It's not all inspection on them. If problems found, they should be repaired to be fixed. And confirmation if the had fixed.
1. Inspection Point, 2. Inspection Date, 3. Operation of Inspection Report, 4. Repair Date, 5. Operation of Repair Report, 6.Confirmation

[Maintenance Duty-Without Re-examine: "2. Inspection Date" screen]

  • Title<<Point>>
-Inspection Point-
  • inspection Point on GoogleMap(string)
  • Ideal Inspection On (date)
  • Summary of Inspection(string: text box 3 lines)
  • Correspondence (discussion)
-Inspection Report-
  • Schedule Inspection On (date)
  • Inspected On (date)
  • Photo Inspecting (file)
  • Inspection Report (string: text box 3 lines)
  • Judgment (select:Need to be Repaired/No Need to be Repaired)
-Repair Report-
  • Schedule Repair On (date)
  • Repaired On (date)
  • Photo Repairing (file)
  • Repair Report (string: text box 3 lines)

By the way, there are some people who reacts strongly against "Flowchart". When you show business flowchart to one of those flowchart allergy patient, you'd better give those words, "I made a picture of how inspection goes. I'll explain on it fine and easy." It focused on let him say "Ah, it's easy than I expected!"
Now, Workflow below enables office workers who settled Inspection Point, to order re-examine after inspection has Reported.

1. Inspection Point, 2. Inspection Date, 3. Operation of Inspection Report, 4. Repair Date, 4b. Confirmation on Inspection 5. Operation of Repair Report, 6.Confirmation on Repair

  • Title<<Point>>
-Inspection Point-
  • inspection Point on GoogleMap(string)
  • Ideal Inspection On (date)
  • Summary of Inspection(string: text box 3 lines)
  • Judgment on Re-examine (select:Need Re-examine/No need Re-examine )
  • Correspondence (discussion)
-Inspection Report-
  • Schedule Inspection On (date)
  • Inspected On (date)
  • Photo Inspecting (file)
  • Inspection Report (string: text box 3 lines)
  • Judgment (select:Need to be Repaired/No Need to be Repaired)
-Repair Report-
  • Schedule Repair On (date)
  • Repaired On (date)
  • Photo Repairing (file)
  • Repair Report (string: text box 3 lines)