
Friday, April 8, 2011

A Workflow for Making Employees Submit Attendance Logs

Processing salaries is an important job. The person in charge of this has to collect each employee's total work time and calculate overtime compensation, compensation for working on holidays, and late night compensation.

Today's workflow sample assumes all employees report their attendance records in their own attendance file (Excel). They have to submit this every month, but they can use the same file over the course of one year, with 12 separate sheets within the file. Basic information (Process Data) can be copied from the previous month.

1. Request Attendance Log, 2. Input Attendance Log, 3. Supervisor Confirmation, 4. Revise, 5. Accounting Confirmation

[Attendance Report <Bypass Input>: "2. Input Attendance Log" screen]

Once accounting completes the last task, the employee only has to select [Copy and start next month's attendance report process]. The attendance file after input will be newly saved as the next month's attendance file before input. With the new fiscal year a new file is used, so the process ends. This is realizable for companies with less than 100 employees.

In the below workflow, if the deadline for the next month's attendance log is entered, the first task (Request Attendance Log) is automatically bypassed and goes to task 2 (Input Attendance Log).

1. Request Attendance Log, 2. Input Attendance Log, 3. Supervisor Confirmation, 4. Revise, 5. Accounting Confirmation