
Saturday, April 9, 2011

Mini-Blogging with General Review Workflow!

Document reviewing is often the perfect theme to start business process designing with. In particular, a general review process is a great way to get used to BPM and workflows, for the designer as well as employees. It's just simple.

After you run the business process for a while, you will end up with a pile of past reviewed documents (know-how). And you will also learn about processes that need to be revised.

1. Register Document, 2a. Departmental Review, 2b. Company Review, 3. Confirm Completion

[Document Review <Change Reviewers> : "Email" setting]

If your going to have one, why not have a document review process that can handle searches? In today's sample the user chooses the type of document from proposal, movie, press release, design, catch copy or other. This option makes it must easier to use past data as reference. (Of course, there are so many other things you can do, too.)

By the way, this workflow sends an automatic email with a Message Throwing Intermediate Event after the review tasks. This could be sent to a general departmental electronic mailing list, or to a company mini-blogging account, like Yammer.

The below workflow makes it easier to move to a company review at any moment, when someone decides the document shouldn't be retained within only the department.

1. Register Document, 2a. Departmental Review, 2b. Company Review, 3. Confirm Completion

The second and third swimlanes in today's workflows are defined as "tasks that can be performed my multiple users simultaneously." This is a function available in a limited number of BPMS systems, including Questetra BPM Suite.