
Monday, March 13, 2017

Episode 526: "Certificate Issuance Date" of Auto-generated PDF in Japanese Calendar! (Improvement ed.)

Japanese calendar text

There are many cases in Japan that use "Japanese calendar" instead of "Western (Gregorian) calendar".

This year is "2017" as well as "Heisei 29".

In other words, there are many cases where Date type data such as "2017-03-13" should be displayed as "March 13, Heisei 29" in prints and email texts. In the article (*) about one year ago, I introduced you the Japanese calendar conversion using the [Script Task], the automatic step. (Automatic conversion of Issue data flowing in the Cloud-based Workflow "Questetra BPM Suite")

Episode 467: Certificate Issue Date on Auto-generated PDF in Japanese Era Name (2016-01-25)

Script step and Service step

However, as of version 11.1 or later (2016-09-05) of the Cloud-based Workflow "Questetra BPM Suite", it is possible to add arbitrary [Service step] by "Service definition file" (add-on XML).

That is, if you use [Service step] which performs Japanese calendar conversion, you do not need to use [Script step] (which requires programming knowledge).

[Certificate Issuance-Japanese Calendar]

Sharing of Service step definition

In addition, since version 11.3 or later (2017-03-13), it has become possible to share "Service definition file" (add-on XML) on the whole Workflow platform.

Since each Process Model (application) refers to one "Service definition file" (add-on XML), even if it is necessary to change the program according to "change the name of era", maintenance of one file will be enough to do.

Event date, Date of birth, etc.

In government offices and educational institutions, it is not an exaggeration to say that "Japanese calendars are used for all tasks."

In such an organization, it is quite troublesome to import "service definition file" (add-on XML) each time you define (modeling) a Business Process.

In organizations like this, it should be better to share "Service definition file" (add-on XML) of "Japanese calendar conversion" in advance.

Reference) Questetra: Cloud BPM v11.3 Enhanced Auto-step Corporation

[Config screen]

[Certificate Issuance-Japanese Calendar:"1. Content of Certification" screen]

[Data Items list]

[Free Download]
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[Japanese Entry (ε’Œζ–‡θ¨˜δΊ‹)]