
Monday, January 18, 2016

Episode 466: Approval of Travel Request is a Job of "Deputy Manager"

'I can't handle approval on travel request from all these guys all alone...'

Whatever an organization chart could be, "a leader" is essential to its respective departments. Especially, the role of "leader" is important in determining "the Policy of department" and "the Goal of the department".
However, speaking about the day-to-day approval job, it is not necessary to be performed all by "one leader".

For example, if an operation such as "approval on business trip" in the "section" of about 10 to 20 personnels , you should let the "deputy manager" and "assistant manager" to do proxy approval actively. There is also meaning of clarifying the responsibilities and rank within the department. (There may be a definition in the business rules of the company, such as "Substitute on duties when there was an accident on the section chief".)

Incidentally, such a system can be seen often also in the "Operations of government" which blank period of procedures is not allowed. (e.g.:"State-Owned Articles Management Act, Institutions of surrogate officer"(Only in Japanese) The rules of surrogate (Only in Japanese))

[Travel Request]

In this Business Process definition, it is supposed that "leader of the department" to approve on requests.

However, in this case, to register multiple people as "leaders of the department" is desirable. That is, not only the "manager", but also "deputy manager" and "assistant manager" to register as "leader of the department" in the setting of the Workflow platform. By doing so, anyone of "manager", "deputy manager", "assistant manager" becomes possible to approve.

Speaking in interface of Questetra, a Task of "2. Approval on Travel" goes into the list of [Underwriting waiting]. (It goes to [My Tasks] if there was only one "candidate for underwriting".)

* For actual operating screen, please see [Online Demo].

However, on a travel request from "deputy manager" him/herself, it should be approved by the "manager". This Business Process definition is configured that handling of "2. Approval on Travel" to be a different person from who operated "1. Register Travel".

By the way, the function of postal code data reference in the operating screen is excellent. Namely, in the part of "(Address Filter)", candidate address will be listed when you enter some part of name of government office or major company, and when you select one, items of "Postal code", "Address", "Corporate name", will be filled automatically.

* To enable this Auto-input, you need to register "Postal code data, including the large offices" to be Options XML. (It is also available to apply "registering a customer address book".)
(Translator's notes: For this function, only data in Japanese is provided.)

Setting Sample for "(Address filtering)" (HTML/JavaScript)
<button type="button" id="myButton" accesskey="b">Auto-input(<u>B</u>)</button> with selected data 

<script type="text/javascript"> 

  var labelStr = jQuery('input[name="data\\[1\\].dummy"]').val(); 
  // Search select (label) 

  var display = new String( labelStr ); 
  var arr = display.split( " " ); 
  jQuery('input[name="data\\[2\\].input"]').val( arr[0] ); 
  jQuery('input[name="data\\[3\\].input"]').val( arr[1] ); 
  jQuery('input[name="data\\[4\\].input"]').val( arr[2] ); 

[Travel Request:"1. Register Travel" screen]

[Data Items list]

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