
Monday, December 14, 2015

Episode 461: Brush-up on Customer Master Data by "Corporate Identification Number System Web-API" (Advanced ver.)

The last time, I published a case of cooperation with "Corporate Identification Number System" (Web-API).

◇2015-12-07: Brush-up on Customer Master Data by "Corporate Identification Number System Web-API"

This Business Process is a mechanism to automatically check if "the Names of Businesses in connection have changed" or not every week. It is automatically started at six o'clock in every Sunday morning. Human beings can detect naturally something to be corrected has occurred in "Customer Master (XML)".

However, it is on the assumption that "all the company has a Corporate Number". That is, it makes inquiry about all the companies listed one by one toward the "Web-API system". In reality, there exist trade partners who do not have Corporate Number. (Sole traders, foreign companies, etc.)

In the following Business Process Definition, it tolerate the presence of dummy number of "9999999999999" (13-digit 9) in the "Customer Master".

That is, it is the rule that to register "13-digit 9" for the business partners like overseas clients that do not have a Corporate Number. In addition, it is devised to make request for 10 instances at one time, toward "Web-API system".

[Automatic check of Trade-name Registration in Customer Master #2]

When you take advantage of the automated Processes, such as the [Script Step], you will have significant benefits, such as "unmanned" or "speed".

However, on the other hand, the Knowledges of "HTTP communications" and "JavaScript" will be needed in proportion to the degree of "Automation". That means, there occurs a new risk that "people who are capable of maintenance are limited".

In this example, JavaScript in 50 lines and 100 lines have been set in two [Script Step] respectively.

It sure is not a very complex Scripts. Also, speaking of only this example, it is difficult to assume a case where modification is required. However, yet, you'd better off using it on tight consideration about the "Risks" in the operation of Workflow beforehand.

[Automatic check of Trade-name Registration in Customer Master #2:"1. " screen]

▼ Setting sample for Script Step "Count # of clientsXML" (Server-side JavaScript)
//// == Retrieving == 
// XML file registered in [Common Files] (M319) 
// returns "List<ItemView>" 
optionsList = itemDao.findAll("Business-Connections.xml", true); 

//// == Calculating == 
var numOfClients = 0; // javascript number 
numOfClients = optionsList.size(); // The number of registered Trade partners 

var clientsCorporateNumbers = ""; // javascript string 
var clientsCorporateNames = ""; 
var iRequestCorporateNumbers = ""; // javascript string 
var iCorporateNames = ""; 

for (j = 0; j < numOfClients; j++){ 
  clientsCorporateNumbers += optionsList.get(j).getValue().substr(7, 13) + "\n"; 
  clientsCorporateNames += optionsList.get(j).getDisplay() + "\n"; 

  if ( j < 10 ){ // Setting up to 10 instances (Separate Corporate Numbers with comma) 
    if ( optionsList.get(j).getValue().substr(7, 13) != "9999999999999" ){ 
      iRequestCorporateNumbers += optionsList.get(j).getValue().substr(7, 13) + ","; 
      iCorporateNames += optionsList.get(j).getDisplay() + "\n"; 
if ( iRequestCorporateNumbers == "" ){ // If no Corporate Number has set 
  iRequestCorporateNumbers = "6130001031686"; 
  iCorporateNames = "Questetra, Inc."; 

var numOfLoops = 0; // javascript number 
numOfLoops = Math.ceil(numOfClients / 10) ; // How many loops of 10 instances required? 

//// == Updating == 
retVal.put("1", java.math.BigDecimal(numOfClients) ); 
retVal.put("2", java.math.BigDecimal(numOfLoops) ); 
retVal.put("3", clientsCorporateNumbers ); 
retVal.put("4", clientsCorporateNames ); 
retVal.put("5", java.math.BigDecimal(0) ); // i=0 
retVal.put("6", iRequestCorporateNumbers ); // Initial request 
retVal.put("7", iCorporateNames ); // List of Business names retrieved in the initial request 
retVal.put("11", "vvv Check Log vvv\n" ); // Escape null 

if( numOfClients == 0 ){ 
  retVal.put("11", "Business-Connections.xml: no such file ?" ); 

▼ Setting sample for Script Step "Res Chk / Req Prep" (Server-side JavaScript)
//// == Retrieving == 
var i = 0; // javascript number 
i = data.get("5") - 0; 
var iRequestCorporateNumbers= ""; // javascript string 
iRequestCorporateNumbers = data.get("6") + ""; 
var iCorporateNames = ""; // javascript string 
iCorporateNames = data.get("7") + ""; 
var diffLog = ""; // javascript string 
diffLog = data.get("11") + ""; 

var iResponseTmp = ""; // javascript string 
iResponseTmp = data.get("8") + ""; 
iResponseTmp = iResponseTmp.replace(/^<\?xml\s+version\s*=\s*(["'])[^\1]+\1[^?]*\?>/, ""); 
// E4X bug 336551 
var iResponseXML = new XML(iResponseTmp); // javascript xml 

// Setting next 10 instances 
var numOfClients = 0; // javascript number 
numOfClients = data.get("1") - 0; 
var clientsCorporateNumbers = ""; // javascript string 
var clientsCorporateNames = ""; 
clientsCorporateNumbers = data.get("3") + ""; // (multi-lines) 
clientsCorporateNames = data.get("4") + ""; 

//// == Calculating == 
var xmlCorporationCount = 0; // javascript number 
xmlCorporationCount = iResponseXML.count - 0; 

var iResponseCorporateNames = ""; // javascript string 
var array = iCorporateNames.split("\n"); 
var arrayNumber = iRequestCorporateNumbers.split(","); 

// Requesting order (AAA,BBB,) doesn't match Responding order (xml) 
for ( j = 0; j < xmlCorporationCount; j++ ){ 
  var k = 0; 
  for ( k = 0; k < 10; k++ ){ 
    if ( iResponseXML.corporation[k].corporateNumber == arrayNumber[j] ){ 
  iResponseCorporateNames += iResponseXML.corporation[k].name + "\n"; 

  if( array[j] == iResponseXML.corporation[k].name ){ 
    diffLog += "ok: "; 
  } else { 
    diffLog += "NG: "; 
  diffLog += array[j] + " is " + iResponseXML.corporation[k].name + "\n"; 

// Setting next 10 instances 
var nextiRequestCorporateNumbers = ""; 
var nextiCorporateNames = ""; // javascript string 
var array2 = clientsCorporateNumbers.split("\n"); 
var array3 = clientsCorporateNames.split("\n"); 

var request10 = 10; // javascript number 
if ( (i+2) * 10 > numOfClients ){ 
  request10 = numOfClients - (i+1) * 10; // The last loop is negative 

if ( request10 > 0 ){ 
  for ( j = 0; j < request10; j++ ){ 
    if ( array2[(i+1)*10+j] != "9999999999999" ){ 
      nextiRequestCorporateNumbers += array2[(i+1)*10+j] + ","; 
      nextiCorporateNames += array3[(i+1)*10+j] + "\n"; 
  if ( nextiRequestCorporateNumbers == "" ){ // If no Corporate Number has set 
    nextiRequestCorporateNumbers = "6130001031686"; 
    nextiCorporateNames = "Questetra, Inc."; 

  retVal.put("6", nextiRequestCorporateNumbers ); 
  retVal.put("7", nextiCorporateNames ); 

//// == Updating == 
retVal.put("5", java.math.BigDecimal(i + 1) ); 
retVal.put("10", iResponseCorporateNames ); 
retVal.put("11", diffLog ); 

[Data Items list]

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