
Monday, March 23, 2015

Visualization and Labor Saving on Appraisal of Competitive Quotes

"Competitive quotes" are important.

"RFQ" should be created properly not only in listed companies, but also in every company. These will be notified to the suppliers, and then should be saved as important business records together with the subsequent business data ("quote from the suppliers" and "evaluation to each estimate", etc.).
(RFQ: Request for Quotation / Request for Price Quotation)

The following Business Processes is a Competitive Quotes flow for general purpose. (Procurement)

From "purchasing of raw materials" to "Planning of Company outing", it can be utilized for various RFQ. All the progress of procurement will be automatically recorded / visualized when you import this flow into your Workflow platform and run it as a business system.
  • 1). RFQ will be sent automatically,
  • 2). Received quotes will be attached,
  • 3). Quote will be evaluated by two people,
  • 4a). Notification to the winner will be transmitted automatically,
  • 4b). Notification for the loser will be transmitted automatically.

Needless to say, there will be benefits in various aspects, such as business records, knowledge sharing and internal control.
  • Destinations of past RFQ will be be referable
  • Track records of answers from requestee (suppliers) will be referable
  • Track records of evaluation of requestee (suppliers) will be referable
  • Frauds and unsavory ties will be prevented

[Competitive Quotes flow]

This workflow has been significantly "automated".

RFQ emails will be transmitted collectively by simply entering the 'list of suppliers (requestee)'. Also, notification emails that to announce winning / losing orders will be transmitted collectively by simply entering the list of 'companies to order' and 'Rejected companies'.

In this example, it will record
  • 'List of suppliers (requestee)'
  • 'Companies of rejected
  • 'Companies to order'
into Table type data item. However, it will be good also to prepare only one 'Supplier list' and manage by flag. (Script will differ, of course.)

By the way, in this example, it is a mechanism that mail transmission is called many times in the 'Loop structure'. (Auto-processing loop). Seeing this example, some people might think something like 'Email delivery agency businesses', but in the service of cloud-based workflow "Questetra", Email delivery business corresponds to the "Prohibited Conducts" of License Agreement. Please be noted.

★[i=0] Script example
var mytable = new com.questetra.bpms.core.model.formdata.ListArray();
mytable = data.get("●"); // Retrieving Table type data

// == assignment / Updating == 
retVal.put("0", java.math.BigDecimal( 0 ) ); // tmpCompanyId
retVal.put("1", java.math.BigDecimal( mytable.size() ) ); // tmpCompanyNum

★[setTables] Script example
var mytable = new com.questetra.bpms.core.model.formdata.ListArray();
mytable = data.get("●"); // Retrieving Table type data
retVal.put("●", mytable ); // Copy to Rejected table

★[setMail] Script example
// == Retrieving == 
var mytable = new com.questetra.bpms.core.model.formdata.ListArray();
var i = new Number();

var templateBody = data.get("●"); // Retrieving mail body
mytable = data.get("●"); // Retrieving Table type data>
i = data.get("●") - 0 ; // Retrieving tmpCompanyId (Assign as numeric value

// == Calculating ==
var mybody = new String("");
mybody = mytable.get(i, 0) + "\n" + mytable.get(i, 1) + "\n\n" + templateBody; // Combine destination and notification statement

// == Updating ==
retVal.put("2", mytable.get(i, 2) ); // set to (hidden TMP-MailTo)
retVal.put("3", mybody ); // set to (hidden TMP-MailBody)

[Competitive Quotes flow:'1. RFQ Approval' screen]

[Data items List]

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