
Monday, March 2, 2015

Outsourcer - Outsourcee, Cooperate Workflow Platform

There are plenty of internet service that referred to as 'Fashion Mail order site'. Not only those websites that sell 'apparel goods' such as 'Casual wear', 'wear to work' and 'underwear', some will provide total outfits coordinating from shoes, accessories to sundries. Or, some websites are specialized in such as "Maternity Goods" or "Disney characters". And yet, they sell cheaper than real stores. (Price competition, cheers! <- consumer perspective)

However, on the other hand, their 'Delivery times' could be the weakness.

There would be cases that 'own packing system' in 'own warehouse' is required for maintaining their attentive services. Their merchandise which they are particular about, like imported goods, would be in small lots inevitably. But for Japanese people who got used to Amazon jp or Askul (an office goods supplier specialized on one day delivery), they cannot wait for 3, 4 days. (Nerve-racking consumers! <- online store perspective)

The following Workflow is a Business Process example of so called 'Mail order fulfillment service'.

When a BPO outsourcee proposes logistic outsourcing (Back office outsourcing), the "Merchandise to be outsourced" (some or all) which are based on the consumer perspective as above, will be presented. As a matter of course, operating of Workflow system should be proposed together to appeal the capability of understanding all the progress of outsourced work anytime. It makes easier to explain about optional services like 'X-ray inspection'.

[Outsourcers Shipment Request]

[Outsourcees Pick Pack Ship]

Suppose,,, if the proposal was a large contract for the BPO outsourcee, it should be operated on a 'dedicated Process' which is a visualization platform that is common for both of outsourcer and outsourcee. However, if you want to expand to small contracts, 'Communal use' of the same Workflow on the same Workflow platform would cause occurence of troubles such as 'Outsourced data become visible to all outsourcers'.

The 'Outsourcees Workflow' here, will communicate the progress information with multiple 'Outsourcers Workflows' each other.

As each of the Workflow (Business Process) is completely independent, you can set data viewing permissions respectively. In addition, both of outsourcer and outsourcee can continue improving the Business Process of own side, without hesitating for the other party. Above all, they will no longer need to handle unnecessary Personal information.

By the way, aside the assumption of relationship of outsourcing as BPO here, if the Business system platform (Workflow platform) in corporations communicate with others more, it will be more efficient supply chain. Yes,,, the era of sending 'paper invoice' on Fax or postal, is coming to its end.

P.S.: Just a digression about computer terminology, a state that one core system controls the entire is referred to as 'Orchestration.' (Coming after orchestra,Coming from 'Orchestra', a Conductor conducts Percussions, Winds and Strings altogether.) On the other hand, a state that the master-slave relationship is not determined clearly (as dance of a ballet company), is referred to as the "choreography".

[Outsourcers Shipment Request:'1. Enter Shipping instruction' screen]

[Outsourcees Pick Pack Ship: Data Items List]

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