
Monday, February 9, 2015

Workflow Starts Automatically at '3,2,1, Action!'

The specific Business flow starts by 'certain movement' of human limbs...
  • When the Commander raises his hand for Advance, then report to the Headquarters...
  • When a bank clerk is holding up her hands and froze, then the Security system...
  • When a taxi driver makes an abrupt steering, then auto-detection report to the accident response team...

Well, in the first place, there aren't so many operations, which being started by 'Human behavior'. (I wonder why, dangerous scenes only come up when I try to think up some examples...) However, if 'Wearable sensors' become inexpensive, utilization methods as 'simple input device' will be considered.

For example, Moff Band, which is sold as a toy in about 50 USD, is an 'Input device'.

Using this product, even the people who are working on a job that impossible to type keyboards or tap the Smartphone would be able to send signals to IT system. Or, conversely, IT system would be able to detect an event that is difficult for automatic detection. I'm sorry for my 'odd delusion', but I have figured out some solutions for some operations.
  • A cashier in a supermarket slightly taps the floor with her foot when she felt congested. And then the Manager makes the instruction according to the situation.
  • When a hospitalized patient moves from the bed, a notification is sent to the nurse, and then the nurse will report it to the attending physician.

The following is a Business Process example, that to receive notification from the 'Motion sensor' (via Smartphone app), and to Start an Operation triggered by the notification. Of course, a variety of applications can be considered in the downstream process.

[Sensor Start Operation]

Even though they say it is the age of 'IoT' or 'Big data' or 'Backend as a Service', yet there are only few cases of taking advantage of 'Motion sensor' into a Business Process.

As a practical matter, development of a 'dedicated mobile app' will be required for using "Moff" for 'Sensor Start', for example. That is, a program to detect the motion pattern out of 'Acceleration measurement log' and 'Gyroscope measurement log' which are sent from "Moff". Moreover, sufficient test period, for demonstration experiment, etc. will be also needed.

However, on the other hand, although it is not Wearable, movement to use the "sensor in the wider sense" is surely accelerated, such as Case example of Attendance management using the "Passage detection".

I think that the day to use "gestures" such as hand signs for "Input" on the business, is not so far away. (And I think that movement will begin in Japan... In cooperation with "HVC-C", a facial expression sensor device?)

<Delusion: Humans as behavior entity difficult to data input>
Manufacturing factory workers, construction supervisors, Directors of TV program , Station staffs / Train drivers / Conductors, Airport staffs, Call center operators, Driving instructors, Farm workers, EMTs...

<Delusion: Human as objects that its behavior to be detected>
Inpatients, Disaster refugee, Amusement park visitors, Marathon runners...

[Sensor Start Operation:'1. Situation confirmation and Report' screen]

[Data Items List]

[Free Download]
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