
Monday, December 8, 2014

Workflow which to be Started at the External Environment Changes, e.g. "Power Utilization": part 2

General public to cooperate in the "power saving".

'Consumers' thoughtfully suppress 'purchasing', understanding the circumstance of the service provider (power firms). What a humble story... Contrary to the "economic rationality". However, now in Japan, many citizens are cooperating, recognizing the necessity of it. Especially the local government and public institutions, they must attempt the power saving initiatively. (Innovations for 'energy saving' and 'cost down for renewable energy' are being desired.)

In the previous article, we studied a mechanism of auto-detection, in which
  • 1) a Workflow is launched in the morning on weekdays
  • 2) it records the power supply and demand hourly (utilizing APIs)
  • 3) it alerts if the usage rate exceeded '89%'
  • and when it exceeds '94%', human will perform 'power saving procedure'.
This can be said that 'systemizing the crisis management manual'. If you use a cloud-based workflow, it will be built in three-four hours.

Yet, in this setting, we did not assume the business scenario, i.e. 'case that suddenly raising of power usage, 88% to 96% within an hour'. Realistically, it won't happen. (rare case) However, If it requires only few changes, we want to incorporate it into the setting. Now, how should we do?

[Power Saving Procedure flow] (Previously shown)

The simplest configuration changes would be to arrange a "shortcut".

It's to add a condition of "95% or more" in Conditional Split (referred to as XOR event in BPMN term) in the automated process loop to check power supply and demand (electric power Usage rate). Appearance in a Business Process Diagram does not differ so much.

[Power Saving Procedure flow #2]

Another way to do is to combine these three stages, i.e. 1) Detection of 89% and more, 2) Detection of 94% and more, 3) Detection of 94% or less, into one large loop.

The appearance of a Business Process Diagram becomes simple. Indeed, it will be easier in the aspect of creating and re-editing business processes (Modeling). Whereas, there is also a disadvantage that the amount of information for Progress Monitoring using the Business Process Diagram would be decreased. That is, the information of "which stage it is now?" would be hidden in the property only .

[Power Saving Procedure flow #3]

The differences of these are not intended to be declared as "Which one is better." There seems no way but to consider "the system To-Be" in accordance with the actual situation of each organization, such as if this Workflow is for commissioning or practical operation?, or if you are going to append the Split in each stage from now on or not?, or who will be the specific person to monitor the day-to-day business progress?...

[XOR setting screen]

[Data Items List]

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