
Monday, November 17, 2014

'Timed Event' is Effective for Contract Renewal Process

'Renewal of Maintenance Service Contract' demands more sales force than you think.

You know what, my firm provides 'Maintenance Service for Communication Equipment', but they haven't adopted "Auto-renewal" for the contracts. So, each time, I have to request my customers to make their "Renewal Procedure" and the "Payment". I guess a salesman for insurance would feel the same way; it is tough...

Well, as the business manual, first I send an email asking 'Please renew the contract'. (Of course, the sales personnel must make phone call or visit the customer, afterward.)

  1. 60 days before Expiration : 'Acknowledgement of Renewal'
  2. 30 days before Expiration : 'Reminder for Service Expiration'
  3. 7 days before Expiration : 'Notice of Service Expiration'
  4. 7 days after Expiration : 'Appreciation for your long term usage of our service'

In those emails of four in total, the mail body and sent date,etc. are already set by the Workflow system. Therefore, all I have to do is only to transmit them without any modifying, normally. However, it is quite difficult not to forget to do, somehow.

So, I imagine if they could be sent automatically when they have been left till 'transmission day'. (I don't care it might cross.)

[Sales Activity for Contract Renewal]

[Sales Activity for Contract Renewal:'1. Email 60 Check' screen]

'I would be better to make a flow that automatically goes forward at deadline.'

Yes, I noticed that, now. I will call it 'Timed email'. After all, I have changed the Business Process in that way.Although I may not have recognized the expiration day is getting closer until I receive the Automated email (CC'd) in this flow, it's okay. Though I would modify the wording on the emails to the customers or the sending date, if I had a time to do, otherwise I can neglect them. Nevertheless, 'Forgetting to Send' won't happen.

It really is, 'Automation of Business Process' is important.

By the way, now, everyone aim 'How they can renew a contract earlier?'. I guess it is because their time for thinking, for discussing, for spying the progress of jobs of other person, have been increased. Well, well, well, 'Automation of Business Process' is really significant.

[Sales Activity for Contract Renewal-Timed Email]

[Data Items List]

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