
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Business Process for Business Process Improvement!?

Want to improve Business Process. Everyone thinks so.
  • Want tochange the 'flow'.
  • Want tochange the 'data items'
  • Want to change the "team formation"

Having said so, there are not many supervisors who understand (a) What is 'to be improved'? Suppose some of them have acknowledged several challenges, there are quite less supervisors who understand (b) which improvement is on high priority now. Furthermore, suppose some of them knew the priority, supervisors who know (c) how to improve the, are very rare...

Even if there is a platform (BPM System) to improve the Business Processes, it is human that actually makes changes in the rules.

Unfortunately, it is a long way to go to the days when a computer would give proposals for improvement to humans, understanding the company policy, personality of the members, and the situation of society, etc... All we can do is to start to recognize the points which should be improved.
  • a. Recognition of what to improve.
  • b. Consideration over the priority.
  • c. Formulation of improvement policy (consensus)

The following Workflow is a Business process which the workers at their work site propose 'what to be improved' to help their supervisor to 'a. Recognize what to improve'. Even if all the employees make their proposal once a week, quite a lot of 'things to be improved' will be accumulated.

Incidentally, this is, "Easier said than done".

It might be taken to devise such as:
  • All the proposals will be rewarded with $ 5.
  • Monthly commendation of MVP (Most Valuable Proposal)

[Improvement Proposal flow]

Only the workers at the forefront can aware the improve points.

If a worker thought about 'precautionary statements' on the application form or the 'Layouts' of approval screen that 'I wish it could be like this', he or she can do nothing but originate that.

By the way, 'visualization of challenges' of this kind should be open to everybody.
(That means, the Data Viewing Permission should be given to all.)

By doing so, it will prevent similar improvement proposal to be registered. Also, "Who has what kind of awareness of challenges" can be shared with the workers on the work floor. If someone commented 'I think so, too', that is the moment of a discussion of the way how to improve begins.

[Improvement Proposal flow:'1. Proposal' screen]

[Data items List]

[Free Download]
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