
Monday, June 18, 2012

Inbox is a Graveyard of 'Work Request'

To ask somebody to work. In many cases, they tell the contents of the work request by a one-on-one communication, such as "email" or "verbal". But realistically, the one who "has been asked it" and even the one who "asked it", totally forget about the request as if it never existed in the next day. Inbox is a graveyard of 'Work Request'.

Especially, working with Workflow, workers concentrate to work on Tasks in "My tasks" list. So that such 'verbal request' will be forgotten for sure because it is not in the list.

Well... now...let's think about taking the simplest 'work request' into Workflow. As a matter of course, basic task flow is quite simple. That is, it is consist of three steps, [1. Request a Work], then [2. Complete the Work], and at last [3. Confirm Completion].

[General-purpose work request flow]

It should be noted that, at the Task [2. Complete the Work (Return / Delegate)], there are several choices other than 'to tell work completion'.
a. To report Completion
b. To return the task to who requests to rewrite the request to be more specific.
c. To delegate the Task to someone who know how to handle it, if you don't know how.

this" "General-purpose work request process surprisingly profound.
Immediately after introduction, the effect will appear, such as bits and pieces of everyday work requests will be visualized, and also both of who asks and is asked will continue to recognize the facts of the work request clearly [at the level of the individual. In addition, because work deadline is listed in the "My Tasks" in the same way as any other task, you can strive to work while aware of the processing priority of the task.
And that's not the all. After a while operating this Workflow, you will be able to analyze by looking at the logs, on what kind of work request has been performed across the company. That means, frequently occurring work request for certain matter should be better designed into a Workflow. And if series of requests occurred as chain reaction, they could have been combined into one Workflow.

By the way...
It will be also nice to request works that you are going to do to yourself. By doing so, your 'To Do list' will be in the same list of 'other Workflow Tasks'.

[General-purpose work request flow [2. Complete the Work (Return / Delegate)] screen]

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