
Monday, April 30, 2012

Manage Strictly "MAC addresses" that Connect to Wireless LAN!

Wireless LAN is convenient, though the initial configurations are troublesome.

" WEP is Dead and WPA implementation", 'MAC addresses limit', 'Multiple SSID operation', 'WLAN access control'... They all sounds complicated, and they comes one after another. Yet, BYOD is "Trend of the times".

* BYOD / Bring Your Own Device.

In this Cloud computing era, it is as a matter of course that 'Information System' is available from anywhere at any time. You cannot take advantage of Cloud Technology with the idea of only protecting your 'Information System' in closed communication network.

Android, iPhone, iPad, Nintendo(?), PSP(!?)...

# Just to mention for a precaution, for an "Information system which requires advanced security", there should be a policy such as can be accessed only from particular room (Security Zone).

To begin with, we would like to establish a application flow for 'MAC addresses* limit'.
Who and when requested connecting from which terminal device? Who and when has approved it? Who and when has configured the connection?
As a matter of course, it is ridiculous that accepting the application in 'papers' or 'email'. Lack of searchability, possibilities of mistakes, and extra labor for inputting. We are going to construct a business process which let the applicant enter the 'terminal device information' into Workflow, and enable to remand if necessary.

* Media Access Control address

[WLAN Connection request [2. Approval] screen]

This Workflow notifies SSID and WPA-key to the applicant at completion of WLAN configurations by IT section.

The point that is well considered is, a Task of [5. Proceeding for Use closing] will be left, only if 'WLAN Use Closing Date' was set. This flow makes sure of 'Closing process', using Task deadline notification. It is really effective for cases of project that requires special information terminals, or to open up WLAN to temporary employees for certain limited period.

[WLAN Connection request]

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