
Monday, November 7, 2011

A Workflow Definition that Guides Daily and Weekly Report

"Weekly Report" and "Daily Report" is an effective tool to visualize situation and plan of team work. (From the manager point of view, it will be important as 'evaluation data' of each member.)

However, those Dailies and Weeklies always ended up "forgotten" or "not submitted".  It would be better to make them displayed in "My Task List" automatically.  In the following Workflow sample, a Task "1. Write Weekly Report" starts up every Monday at 9:00 am. That is "Timer Start Event" starts the Process.  Member users have to do is only to add some and 'save', everyday.  The "Deadline", final submission is Friday, four days after started.

1. Write Weekly Report, 2. Check & Point out, 3. Response to Pointed out, 4. Confirmation

You will feel so fine when this Weekly Report flow runs properly. And as the Weekly Report data has gathered, the Contact history can be searched anytime.  By the way, every history include 'Point out' by the manager would better be opened to anybody anytime. When new employees came in, it will be good educational materials.

[Weekly Report flow [2. Check & Point out] screen]

[Timer Start Event setting screen]