
Monday, August 1, 2011

Journals Circular Around Other Sections

One of the motivations for introduction of BPMS or Workflow System is "De-email".

Email is certainly useful, but It is difficult to organize as the "record". And in fact mailing list is used in many case, but it is wasting of time for everyone reading those email. Yet, it's not sure that the contents must be read is read by who needs it. ( Journals)

A. Important knowledge is kept as a record that anyone can refer at anytime.
B. Urgent information that needs to be shared is informed to who needs it, and participants can recognize if he checked it.

It is true to say for any improvement activities, important thing is to set targets. If you challenge daily in-house information sharing flow, We recommend A. and B. above as "initial goal". And authorization to view

1. Create Journal, 2. Check Journal, 2b. Send Back, 3. Check Journal

  • Title (string) <Date, Name>
  • Status (select: work/holiday)
  • Summary (string)
  • Detail/Correspondent (discussion)
  • Supervisor (select: OK/ Send back)
  • Sharer by Email (string)
  • Sharer on Flow (user)
  • Tips (string)
  • Email (select: send/not)

<Timer Start setting screen>

Using BPMS or Workflow System, Daily Business journals are recorded automatically. So access authorization should be set as everyone in the company can refer. And in this Workflow Model, the comments of supervisor and people who share information remains as a record. In addition, it will be feedback immediately to the sales representative.
You can say it is a big improvement only to save everybody's time to "Mark Read" without reading on huge number on email, can't you?

<Email Delivery setting screen>

<Email Delivery setting screen2>

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