
Saturday, June 4, 2011

Sending Workflow Logs to Gmail Makes Referring Easier

In the article "Think Supply Chain As "Cross-Enterprise Workflow"", only the accepting side has assumed "Supervisor approval (leader approval)". Assuming them in the order side Workflow model will be like one below.

1. Quote Request, 1b. Approval Request, 2. Arrangement, 3. Create Quote, 4. Approval quotes, 5. Ordering the contents of quotations, 6. Correction, 7. Approve Modifications, 8. Order Confirmation
[Quote Process<Supervisor approval>: [1b. Approval request] screen]

  • Title<<Quote request by : c.f. SATO(A 7, 8:09>>
-Quote Request Information-
  • Delivery Requirement (date)
  • Approval Request by (user)
  • Approval Request (select:Approve/Reject)
  • Content of Order (table)
  • Product (select: No. list)
  • Quantity (numeric)
  • Correspondent(discussion)
-Quote information-
  • Total Estimated (numeric)
  • Remarks (string: text box 3lines)
  • Quote File (file)
  • Date Quote Reply (date)
  • Flag Leader Check (select: Required /Not)
  • Approval (select: Approve / Reject)
  • Flag Order (Order / Modification Required / Dispose)

If you wanted to report Leader but don't want looping in "Supervisor approval (leader approval)", set it up with automatic send Email.

1. Quote Request, 1b. Approval Request, 2. Arrangement, 3. Create Quote, 4. Approval quotes, 5. Ordering the contents of quotations, 6. Correction, 7. Approve Modifications, 8. Order Confirmation