
Monday, June 13, 2011

Recording Improvment Of Company From Complaint

"Cooperation of other divisions" is essential to handle complaints.

Even how sincere contact person heard and understood what Claimant thought and felt, it does not make sense if end up there.
It must be connected to,
  • Improve product quality (defective, missing, delayed delivery)
  • Improve services (denial of service, lower service levels)
  • Improve employee support (telephone calls, e-mail text)
in practice. There will be some complaint almost false accusation, of course. But before judging "to ignore them", there should be "appropriate steps". To establish procedures for their products first, and then to review its operating procedures, we want to apply the concept of BPM to handle complaint.

In the following Workflow model, employee who takes a complaint inputs the claim as it is at Task [1. Input Complaint]. And then designate who (all employees including the president, etc.) is responsible to it, but if no one can be designated, it goes to Customer Service Dep.
Should time and circumstances permit, we want to consider "complaints flow on Twitter or Facebook" found by chance as the target to handle.

1. Input Complaint, 2. Designation, 3. Answer, 3b. Review

[Handle Complaints<Designation Review> : "3. Answer" screen]

  • Subject (name caller complaint / claim date)
-Claim Information-
  • Claim Date (date)
  • Name Caller Claims (string)
  • Email address (string)
  • Phone number (string)
  • Original Text (string)
-Information of Answers-
  • Answer Text (string)
  • Designated to Answer (user)
  • Review (select: Necessary/Not)
  • Designated to Review (user)
  • Status (select: Close /Close after mail sent /Send Mail)
  • Correspondence (discussion)

In this Workflow model, person [Designated to Answer] and one [Designated to Review] can correspond as many time they want. Not only to have reviewed the answer sentence, it is also possible to request corrective actions and operational improvements.
And at the time [Designated to Review], an email is automatically sent to the one Designated. Questetra BPM Suite, you can insert a variety of process data items into automated email such as claims summary or sequence of whole story.

[Sending Email setting screen]

[Received Email]

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