
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Using Scanners in Data Entry Workflows

When a digitization business grows, the work done by the secretariat defined in Efficiently Digitizing Image Data becomes complicated. This is because the person who registers image data at task 1 (1. Register Image Data) also has to check the results in task 4 (4. Check). It might be better to distribute work more evenly.

Today's workflow accommodates this change and also allows auto scanning.

1. Register Image Data, 2. Accept & Schedule, 3. Text Data, 4. Check

[Efficiently-Digitizing Image Data <Specialization>: "3. Text Data" screen]

<Process Data Items>
  • Title (Summary of digitization job, e.g. "Dec 1990 Osaka district verdict")
<<Image data info>>
  • Original image created on (date)
  • Original image stored at (string)
  • Original image (file)
  • Notes (string: text box 2 lines)
  • Ignore? (Select: Image okay / Ignore and rescan image)
<<Text data info>>
  • Deadline (date)
  • Digitized text (string: text box 8 lines)
  • Digitized text doc (file)
  • Check (OK / NG)
  • Correspondence (discussion)

When there is a problem with the auto scanning, it would be convenient to end the process at an early stage and send an email.

1. Register Image Data, 2. Accept & Schedule, 3. Text Data, 4. Check