
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Should A Contract Be Approved On Printed Paper By President?

Even a president has his own will!
In Keep At Least the Process of Agreement Drafting Online, There were no appearance of president.
Of course, important agreements require president's approval. If you want to promote 'Optimizing Business process', president himself must join in workflow process.
Who decides it's important? (A big matter.)
Should the document be printed for president? (A small matter)

1. Draft Agreement, 2. Check Draft, 3. Revise, 4. Legal Check, 5. Print & Sign, 5b. President's Approval, 6. Record Follow-up

[Signing Agreement: "5b. President's Approval" screen]

<Process Data Items>
  • title
<<Agreement info>>
  • Agreement file (file)
  • Agreement with (string: text box 2 lines)
  • Summary of Agreement (string: text box 3 lines)
<<Approval check>>
  • Supervisor (user)
  • President (select: Necessary / Unnecessary)
  • Supervisor check (select: OK / No)
  • Legal check (select: OK / No)
  • Conclusion deadline (date)
  • Correspondence (discussion)

In Workflow above, there's a choice if ask approval for president at both of task of Supervisor "2. Check Draft" and legal's "4. Legal Check" . If they thought president's approval is necessary, it goes to president's task "5b. President's Approval".
But, this workflow is designed on a assumption that president mostly approves.
For situation that president sends back so often, Workflow below would be suitable.

1. Draft Agreement, 2. Check Draft, 3. Revise, 4. Legal Check, 5. Print & Sign, 5b. President's Approval, 6. Record Follow-up

<Added Process Data Items>
President check (select: OK / No)